If you’d rather take a risk and join a budding business than be bound to the rungs of the corporate ladder, startup life may be right for you. But when your potential employer hasn’t existed for more than a few READ MORE
Beth Steinberg is the Chief People Officer of Zenefits The ideals behind business culture have become muddled. When it comes to defining and creating company culture, businesses have put an alarming amount of focus on superfluous perks in efforts to attract READ MORE
The pay equity problem – AUTHOR: Ryan Golden, @RyanTGolden, PUBLISHED: April 13, 2018 Beth Steinberg of Zenefits & Mensch Ventures Zenefits Chief People Officer, Beth Steinberg. Read More Dive Brief Acknowledging the presence of a gender pay gap in your workforce is READ MORE
Pressure from founders might put some venture capital firms on notice However, to change the culture of venture capital, people up and down the chain of power need to roll up their sleeves, said Beth Steinberg, founder of talent advisory READ MORE